Bangladesh Investment Summit 2021: "The Rise of Bengal Tiger"

Held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster, the Montenegro Bangladesh Business Council was honored to be invited by the High Commission for the People's Republic of Bangladesh in the UK, to attend the most important investment summit of the past years. Importance demonstrated by the presence in London of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurating the summit, and a high-level delegation comprising major state ministers including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Land, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, the Private Industry and Investment Adviser to the Honorable Prime Minister, the Mayor of Dhaka North, secretaries to the Prime Minister, the Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Chairman of National Board of Revenue, Chairman of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority, Chairman of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, the President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries, the President of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, and advisers from the government, as well as CEOs of some of Bangladesh’s most preeminent companies.

UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince of Wales Charles gave video speeches while being at the COP26, UK’s Minister of Trade, UK’s Minister for South Asia and the United Nations and the Commonwealth, the Group Chairman of Standard Chartered Bank, top executives of Unilever and HSBC among many other important companies.

Highest level of participants

Two MoU signed

MBBC is where it happens

The Summit like you were there: